Architecting Real-Time Crowd-Powered Systems


  • Walter S Lasecki University of Rochester / Carnegie Mellon University
  • Christopher Homan Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Jeffrey P. Bigham Carnegie Mellon University



real-time crowdsourcing, human computation, system architectures


Human computation allows computer systems to leverage human intelligence in computational processes. While it has primarily been used for tasks that are not time-sensitive, recent systems use crowdsourcing to get on-demand, real-time, and even interactive results. In this paper, we present techniques for building real-time crowdsourcing systems, and then discuss how and when to use them. Our goal is to provide system builders with the tools and insights they need to replicate the success of modern systems in order to further explore this new space.


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How to Cite

Lasecki, W. S., Homan, C., & Bigham, J. P. (2014). Architecting Real-Time Crowd-Powered Systems. Human Computation, 1(1).


